You'll fight wily henchmen, vicious sharks, Yetis, Warrior Monks, and rabid Dobermans in your dangerous quest of puzzle solving, action, and discovery. Wade into battle with your lethal arsenal of weapons that includes pistols, hefty magnums, powerful shotguns, harpoons, and M-16s. Attempt to uncover the frightening mystery of The Dagger of Xian, an ancient artifact that leads you over the Great Wall of China and into the very heart of power itself. Investigate dark passages, cryptic ruins, and immense caverns over a variety of levels and expansive continents. You once again play the sexy but deadly Lara Croft. In this journey, you'll explore frozen Tibet, exotic China, the beautiful canals of Venice, and an underwater ship.

This exciting TOMB RAIDER sequel will have you swimming, jumping, climbing, backflipping, diving, rolling, and shooting your way across the globe. Tomb Raider 2 Film About Genre Adventure, Action Rating Rated 'T' for Blood, Animated Violence Summary If you think you're ready for a world of incredible adventure, then grab a copy of TOMB RAIDER II for the PlayStation.

This backup copy can be used only to replace an unusable copy of the original installation media.PlatformsPlayStation, PC, Macintosh, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, iPhone

You may continue to use the earlier copy of software only if the upgrade copy and earlier version are installed and used on the same computer. If this copy of the software is an upgrade from a previous version, you must possess a valid license for the earlier version of software.If the software can be used from any computer other than the computer on which it is installed, you must license a copy of the software for each additional computer from which the software may be accessed. This software cannot be loaded on a network server for the purposes of distribution or for access to the software by multiple operators.The purchase of this software allows you to install and use a single instance of the software on one physical computer or one virtual machine only.The agreement grants the user a non-exclusive license to use the software in accordance with the following: 5-days Weather Forecasting Station Software Installation of this software constitutes an agreement to abide by the provisions of its licensing agreement. This software is protected by United States copyright law and international copyright treaty provisions.