Highly resistant to Bleed, but not immune.While using Sorcery set during phase one, he is extremely vulnerable to Vow of Silence.Weak to Lightning Damage and Dark Damage.Can be poise-broken but with no opening for a critical attack. For endings after defeating it, see the Game Progress Route and/or Kiln of the First Flame.This boss is not an optional boss fight.Summon can be found at mid way up the long winding stairs to the boss arena, turn to your right look for the white sign. You can summon Londor Pale Shade to help you fight this enemy.(Must have done Anri's event in Darkmoon tomb and Yuria must not be hostile) Summon sign can be found just before the boss fog. You can summon Yuria of Londor to help you fight this enemy.It is seen as the amalgamation of all the Lords of Cinder, with a variety of Dark Dialectics spells and movesets used during its first phase and the use of Gwyn's moveset for the second phase. Soul of Cinder is a Boss enemy in Dark Souls 3.

Simulateur Dégats & Augmentation des Armes.